Sunday, 16 September 2012

Elephants and Seriouslywut

Elephant Fact # 23: African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants.

No cartoons again—next post, I swear.

I just wanted to post a little reminder to my future self—this, this, is why you don’t have Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Myspace and never, ever should lest the world explode with your stupidity and your obnoxious intent upon staying up into the wee hours of the night eating some ungodly mixture of chocolate bars and gummi bears and also puppy tears---


The following 'conversation' takes place at around 1:55 a.m. to 2:01 p.m.

I am. So. Sorry. (I’m really not.)

The Unlucky Elephant

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Elephants and Disney

Elephant Fact # 22: Elephants flap their ears to signal when they are alarmed or angry.

I thought it would be interesting to upload the progress pics of my dad’s card for Father’s Day (because you know that I am all for progress pics). I know that it could probably look more clean cut/ professional, but those kinds of cards aren’t really my dad’s style, so I thought that just a simple pencil drawing would be good to do.

Me and m’ pa have this pretty long history with Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. It was my favorite movie when I was a kid so I’d always pretend to be the Beauty and he was always the BEST. <3

The card turned out to be a really fun project—I didn’t realize how fun drawing couples was. I used a reference, but I can’t quite remember which one--I’m pretty sure that if you just Google it, it’ll come up.

He seemed pretty happy with it! 
Happy Father’s Day!

The Unlucky Elephant

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Elephants and Doodles

Elephant Fact # 21: Although elephant elders will eventually separate and form their own clans, they keep bonds between each group and still remember being once altogether.

So I had camp a few weeks ago—but this isn’t the blog about it; I’ll probably talk about that another time when I’ve actually drawn a few cartoons for that one. I just wanted to procrastinate a little before resuming study for my mock exams next week.

My friend introduced me to this book, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, by John Green.

It’s about a couple of kids.

 With cancer.


Yes, well.

I didn’t really think about the book for a while after I’d read it—and then when I sat down to draw my dad a card for Father’s Day, this came out instead:


I’ve been practicing drawing shiny hair, lately. I’m such a beginner when it comes to drawing people; although they were my favorite subject in other art, it was something I’d always avoided when I was younger.

 But for some reason, lately I can’t seem to stop doodling them. You know--you accidentally draw a straight line on your Chemistry quiz. Then you tilt your head and suddenly it looks like the line of a jaw. So you add a neck. And a head. And a nose. Mouth, eyes, ears, hair. And then bam!

You’ve just failed Chemistry.

At least I’ve improved from my QCS quiz, when apparently I've just completely lost the ability to count—



The Unlucky Elephant