Monday, 29 October 2012

Elephants and Halloween

Elephant Fact # 25: To communicate with one another, elephants purr, similar to cats.

Watched my dad carve his first jack o’ lantern today. Here is the finished product!

We’ve made plans to prowl along the streets of my neighborhood in his Jason Voorhees and my Joker costume, handing out candy to unsuspecting children.


The Unlucky Elephant

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Elephants and Yearbooks

Elephant Fact # 24: The elephant is the only mammal that cannot jump.

It’s been a while since I updated my blog. We’re nearing the end of our final year of high school and understandably, there’s been a lot of mixed emotions about that. On one hand, we’ll be leaving behind all the frustrations of waking up at ungodly hours, frantically rushing to finish any sort of homework left undone the previous night, or, if you’re me, not being able to wear as much lipstick as I bloody well want.

On the other hand, it’s like we’re losing the last tangible tie to our childhood before we move out into the ‘real world’.

We’re almost adults now. Our days of carelessness and thoughtlessness are almost over—or just beginning, depending on who you are. Sooner or later, we’re going to have take on more and more responsibility—a job, a home, a family of our own, and it’ll change us. For better or for worse.

We will no longer be the people who we are now.

Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking about this idea more and more, slowly becoming a little more despairing each time.

And then I thought—“The hell? Bitch, that’s ages away. I’m still here, I’m still young, still naïve and still as awesome as fuck-all.

So let’s write some fucking porn.”

In school, we’ve been signing each other’s yearbooks, or whatever—but look, I can’t be the only one who finds it extremely difficult to somehow summarize three years of love, laughter and friendship into a notebook page no bigger than the size of my palm. No way.

So, I decided to give them the gift of porn—well, sort of. It’s in three parts; each part is in a different notebook of a different friend. I’m hoping that someday, at maybe our high school reunion (if we still have those) we could reunite the parts into some Unholy Trinity.

Unfortunately, by popular demand, here they are. Enjoy yourselves.

Part 1

He thrust deeply into her glistening mound, sweat dripping from his sculpted pectorals. She moaned in intense pleasure and then sighed as he slapped his donkey-puncher against her face.

“Oh, your bangers and mash feel so good,” she muttered, nuzzling further into the moist wilderness of his turkey baster. Her clam chowder throbbed and pulsed in rhythm to the bounce of his lovehandles.

He reached up and fondled her pert chicken McNuggets and she clutched the headboard of the bed as she screamed in ecstasy.

“You like having your banana peeled, baby?” he panted, gripping her sultry watermelons with one hand and wiping the sweat from his hair, which glistened like vegemite smothered in canola oil with the other. “Can you feel my one-eyed trouser snake in your Hello Kitty?”

“Yes!” she gasped, reveling in the arousing and amorous stench of sour cream and onion.
He grinned. “Here comes the dickattack! Choo-choo!”

As abruptly as he entered, he removed his staff sergeant from the heady, filthy trenches of war.

“Open wide, baby,” he groaned, as he tossed his salad over her stomach. “It’s about to be like Playschool in here.”

Her oval window twitched in anticipation and she writhed under her titillating desire. “Let me taste the rainbow!”

“I’ve spent a long 57 years jerkin’ my gherkin until I met you, my adorable little belly lint.”

Suddenly—much more quickly than she would have liked—the puzzling smell of asparagus filled the air and, as his rabbit popped back into its hat, she knew that she had finished a job well done.

Part 2

“You’ve been a bad boy,” she whispered, her eyes deadly and wicked as she slid the black leather riding crop into the sweltering heat of his butternut squash. “You pulled a Kanye on me last time, didn’t you?”

Tied to the tree as he was, he could only grunt in pain and a delicious surprise as she began to suckle on the tip of his rigid wombok as delicately as she would remove the pickles from her cheeseburger.

She moaned as the arousal of her egg salad dripped onto the Forest floor and she stood up, hissing harshly into his ear, “You’re going to give me my satisfaction.”

With a tremendous squelch, she pulled the riding crop free from his KFC bucket and held it up to her nose.

“Mm,” she growled. “Eleven herbs and spices.”

The muscles of his banana split quivered and she brought down the crop onto his tempestuous thunderthighs. He cried out in pain and whimpered submissively as she dragged her fingernails down the canyon-like crevices of his abs.

“Your ass is grass,” she roared, and pushed downwards onto his swollen sugar plum fairy.
Their screams intermingled in the night air of the forest, echoing across the dumbfounded emptiness like Mitt Romney when he says stupid shit.

“Can you feel my cat around your cheese grater?” she panted as their respective dragonballs shook and shivered like custard flan on a cheap plate.

“Wait,” he said, “stop, I’m—“

“I’m gonna ride you like a human centipede!” she screamed and exploded in a rush of milk and chocolate fondue and finally garlic steak sauce.

Hours later, she finally untied him. Breathless, he collapsed onto the ground, his licorice log flopping uselessly like a dying goldfish.

“Marry me?” he said.

She shrugged and said, “I’m pregnant.”

Part 3

“Don’t go into the playroom, kids,” she warned as she tucked the two screaming children safely into the oven. “Mommy’s going to play pat-a-cake with daddy.”

When she finally reached the room she was greeted with the not unwelcome sight of her husband sprawled across Trafalgar Square and Mayfair – but not yet passing Go.

“Let me help you collect your $200,” she whispered seductively, kicking the door shut behind her.

“Yeah baby, I’m gonna buy ALL your utilities,” he groaned as he toyed lovingly with his GI Joe.

She crawled to him, albeit with some difficulty as her chubby teletubbies connected with four.

 “I’m gonna furnish your Barbie Dreamhouse real good,” he murmured erotically as his snake began to slither up her ladder.

She twiddled the knobs of her Easy Bake oven and fanned the flames of her lust. Then, she slowly, enticingly began to reassemble his Rubik’s cube causing him to moan in ecstasy.

“Oh, you just hit my triple word score,” he blurted. “You just saved me from playing solitaire for the fifth time today.”

She leaned downward and furiously began to roll his dice…with her mouth. Eyes rolling back into his head in pleasure, he listened to her count the dots.

“Seven,” she said devilishly. “Go to jail. Do not pass Go, do not collect $200.”

“No,” he moaned.

“Tell me how you want me to do it,” she said hungrily.

“With the lead pipe in the observatory,” he gasped and with a disgustingly satisfying ‘squee’, she complied.

“Colonel!” he screamed.

“I can feel your Mustard in me,” she grunted and he chuckled.

“Professor Plum has certainly made his appearance,” he responded.



“SNAP!” They exploded simultaneously and also literally.

From inside the oven, one of the children said, “Mom?”


Don’t forget to wash your hands,
The Unlucky Elephant

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Elephants and Seriouslywut

Elephant Fact # 23: African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants.

No cartoons again—next post, I swear.

I just wanted to post a little reminder to my future self—this, this, is why you don’t have Facebook/Twitter/Tumblr/Myspace and never, ever should lest the world explode with your stupidity and your obnoxious intent upon staying up into the wee hours of the night eating some ungodly mixture of chocolate bars and gummi bears and also puppy tears---


The following 'conversation' takes place at around 1:55 a.m. to 2:01 p.m.

I am. So. Sorry. (I’m really not.)

The Unlucky Elephant

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Elephants and Disney

Elephant Fact # 22: Elephants flap their ears to signal when they are alarmed or angry.

I thought it would be interesting to upload the progress pics of my dad’s card for Father’s Day (because you know that I am all for progress pics). I know that it could probably look more clean cut/ professional, but those kinds of cards aren’t really my dad’s style, so I thought that just a simple pencil drawing would be good to do.

Me and m’ pa have this pretty long history with Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. It was my favorite movie when I was a kid so I’d always pretend to be the Beauty and he was always the BEST. <3

The card turned out to be a really fun project—I didn’t realize how fun drawing couples was. I used a reference, but I can’t quite remember which one--I’m pretty sure that if you just Google it, it’ll come up.

He seemed pretty happy with it! 
Happy Father’s Day!

The Unlucky Elephant

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Elephants and Doodles

Elephant Fact # 21: Although elephant elders will eventually separate and form their own clans, they keep bonds between each group and still remember being once altogether.

So I had camp a few weeks ago—but this isn’t the blog about it; I’ll probably talk about that another time when I’ve actually drawn a few cartoons for that one. I just wanted to procrastinate a little before resuming study for my mock exams next week.

My friend introduced me to this book, ‘The Fault in Our Stars’, by John Green.

It’s about a couple of kids.

 With cancer.


Yes, well.

I didn’t really think about the book for a while after I’d read it—and then when I sat down to draw my dad a card for Father’s Day, this came out instead:


I’ve been practicing drawing shiny hair, lately. I’m such a beginner when it comes to drawing people; although they were my favorite subject in other art, it was something I’d always avoided when I was younger.

 But for some reason, lately I can’t seem to stop doodling them. You know--you accidentally draw a straight line on your Chemistry quiz. Then you tilt your head and suddenly it looks like the line of a jaw. So you add a neck. And a head. And a nose. Mouth, eyes, ears, hair. And then bam!

You’ve just failed Chemistry.

At least I’ve improved from my QCS quiz, when apparently I've just completely lost the ability to count—



The Unlucky Elephant

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Elephants and Organelles

Elephant Fact # 20: Male elephants become completely independent at around the age of fourteen.

I felt a little guilty for not updating for the month of August, so this is going to be a fairly short one.

I was going through some of my old files the other day and I found this comic that I made in Year 10 for Biology—it’s supposed to explain the functions of each of the organelles in a cell.

I guess I’m just putting it on here because I’m currently out of (usable) cartoons at the moment, so this is just a filler. I think you have to download it to actually be able to read it, though. At this stage I’d normally comment on the outta sight enthusiasm levels of my younger self—and then I realize that not that much has actually changed.

Oh, I just scanned through my files and found this screen clipping—I was browsing my Inbox one day and then bam!—my mother.

Mom, just because I went on that Filipino Wife Finder website that one time does not mean that I’m like, a closet pervert--

…I don’t even know anymore.

In other news, Geoffrey Rush visited our school today. Yes, that one. It was because he won the 2012 Australian of the Year Award, which meant that he was conducting a tour of sorts of various schools and we so happened to be one of them. Seeing him in real life was such a surreal experience—it was as if the TV suddenly woke up and started talking. That happened to me only once before, and I was pretty sure that I was tripping nuts at the time.

But wow. I think I’m still a little starstruck, to be honest.

In a while, crocodile,
The Unlucky Elephant

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Elephants and Overnighters

Elephant Fact # 19: If taught, elephants can paint identifiable pictures such as other elephants or people.

Today, I woke up at 11:45 a.m. It was good.

Yesterday, I slept at 8:32 p.m. That was good also.

The reason for my 15+ hour beauty nap was a pretty weird one, even for me—so let’s start from the beginning.

We had our school Art Showcase yesterday (Friday). I wanted to do something for it, but I also had my Undergraduate Medical Admissions and Blah test on Wednesday and guilt, like the cat I never wanted, kept on sitting on my face every time I did something other than practise for it.

So that left Wednesday and Thursday night to do something. Unfortunately, I spent my Wednesday—

--well, my Wednesday was pretty uneventful, let’s just leave it at that. So it was just Thursday then.

I’ve always wanted to do a series of pictures to show my ‘progress’ on a project, so let’s start with 5:12 p.m., when I started my piece for the Showcase, and go from there.

Sausage fingers! And look at all those rubber shavings
 littering the
 floor at the bottom
of the canvas, tsk tsk. Disgraceful.
I was never good with doing things neatly.
Split the canvas into four parts because I wanted to do
something different with color
  And then drew the basic features over it, but they
 kept on coming out strangely.
What's with the lip, man?

For me, this was the hardest part-- outlining where the different levels of shadows were.
I've never actually done something like this before, so this was kind of guess-and-check at this point.

Beginning coloring! I chose purple for the first section's my school House color and I was feeling the love, man. Also, I like my hat.

Had to number each of the sections so I wouldn't get confused as to which shade was which.

Yellow! Because YOLO?

There was something about complementary colors that I was supposed to mention, but I forgot.
The color wheel and I don't get along so great.

Hat & shirt = dad's
Pants = mom's
My color palette was a paper plate. :(
Neeeeeeearly done!

Sooooooooo cloooooooose!

And then, the final thing, at 6:00 am in the morning:


It’s called ‘Overnight’ because, well, go figure. I think overall…the whole thing took me around thirteen hours. 

My mom found me in the morning with this haggard, demented look on my face—

--whereupon she ushered me into the bathroom to get ready for school.

Things were interesting that day.

Thankfully, I sobered up long enough to watch the rest of the Showcase—holy cow, people are fantastic at my school. I think my personal favorites were the Bring it On dance troupe’s performance, an a cappella song where they did some pretty fantastic stuff with boxes to make a beat—literally beatboxing—and a Liszt piece on piano.

 The host was pretty amazing as well—but it was crazy awkward when he went to the audience and unknowingly started to interrogate my dad about whether he liked any of the female performers, though.

Mmph, I think I might take a nap again.

See you in a few,
The Unlucky Elephant

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Elephants and Marshmallows

Elephant Fact # 18: The oldest known elephant was 82 years old. 
It’s only two weeks into school and I can feel the heat already. Oh, man.

We all submitted our EE (Extended Essay) and TOK (Theory of Knowledge) essays yesterday, which felt very strange. Letting go of my EE was like—like having an unexpected kid that you really, really hate at first and want to give away for adoption because it does nothing but scream and cry and puke all over your laptop and demand constant attention—and then watching it leave, fully grown and beautiful, for college and thinking, ‘You know, I might have loved this kid after all’.

It’s like that.

On the other hand, I have a lot more time on my hands. Time to really strap on my working boots and get down to the meaty grind of my Chemistry classes—

…or not.

Marshmallows are delicious.

I’ve lately been on this site called Doodle or Die—it’s so fantastically amusing. Basically, someone starts a drawing prompt like perhaps, “A green bunny” and someone else connected to the site draws it. Then someone else writes a description about that person’s drawing without  seeing the original description and the someone else draws that, and so on. It’s like a game of Chinese whispers but 300x the awesomeness.

Here are a few of mine:

Anyway, that’s all I gotta say for today. Catch up some other time!

The Unlucky Elephant

Ohright: Last Friday night I danced with a boy! OMGOMGOMG-- I'm kidding, he's just a friend (weird to even look at it that way, seriously) but I just had a lot of fun, seeing as the school dance and my karaoke plans were cancelled that same day. 

(And yes, it was my embarrassing bootay-shakin'. Goddammit.)