Saturday, 28 July 2012

Elephants and Overnighters

Elephant Fact # 19: If taught, elephants can paint identifiable pictures such as other elephants or people.

Today, I woke up at 11:45 a.m. It was good.

Yesterday, I slept at 8:32 p.m. That was good also.

The reason for my 15+ hour beauty nap was a pretty weird one, even for me—so let’s start from the beginning.

We had our school Art Showcase yesterday (Friday). I wanted to do something for it, but I also had my Undergraduate Medical Admissions and Blah test on Wednesday and guilt, like the cat I never wanted, kept on sitting on my face every time I did something other than practise for it.

So that left Wednesday and Thursday night to do something. Unfortunately, I spent my Wednesday—

--well, my Wednesday was pretty uneventful, let’s just leave it at that. So it was just Thursday then.

I’ve always wanted to do a series of pictures to show my ‘progress’ on a project, so let’s start with 5:12 p.m., when I started my piece for the Showcase, and go from there.

Sausage fingers! And look at all those rubber shavings
 littering the
 floor at the bottom
of the canvas, tsk tsk. Disgraceful.
I was never good with doing things neatly.
Split the canvas into four parts because I wanted to do
something different with color
  And then drew the basic features over it, but they
 kept on coming out strangely.
What's with the lip, man?

For me, this was the hardest part-- outlining where the different levels of shadows were.
I've never actually done something like this before, so this was kind of guess-and-check at this point.

Beginning coloring! I chose purple for the first section's my school House color and I was feeling the love, man. Also, I like my hat.

Had to number each of the sections so I wouldn't get confused as to which shade was which.

Yellow! Because YOLO?

There was something about complementary colors that I was supposed to mention, but I forgot.
The color wheel and I don't get along so great.

Hat & shirt = dad's
Pants = mom's
My color palette was a paper plate. :(
Neeeeeeearly done!

Sooooooooo cloooooooose!

And then, the final thing, at 6:00 am in the morning:


It’s called ‘Overnight’ because, well, go figure. I think overall…the whole thing took me around thirteen hours. 

My mom found me in the morning with this haggard, demented look on my face—

--whereupon she ushered me into the bathroom to get ready for school.

Things were interesting that day.

Thankfully, I sobered up long enough to watch the rest of the Showcase—holy cow, people are fantastic at my school. I think my personal favorites were the Bring it On dance troupe’s performance, an a cappella song where they did some pretty fantastic stuff with boxes to make a beat—literally beatboxing—and a Liszt piece on piano.

 The host was pretty amazing as well—but it was crazy awkward when he went to the audience and unknowingly started to interrogate my dad about whether he liked any of the female performers, though.

Mmph, I think I might take a nap again.

See you in a few,
The Unlucky Elephant


  1. Hello! Your paintings and drawings are AMAZING and you have the best sense of humour. Your speech at the Great Debate today was absolutely hilarious (I go to your school - you probably don't know me though) and it made my week! ALSO I'M KIND OF FLAILING/FANGIRLING RIGHT NOW BECAUSE YOU MENTIONED ME IN THIS POST (the acappella group who did cool stuff with boxes) :D

  2. I don't remember you being this good in primary school. Good work Nicole!
