Saturday 5 May 2012

Elephants and Macbeth

Elephant Fact #9: Elephants live in tight, social units led by an older matriarch.

I was bored, so I thought I’d try my hand at illustrating the second set of prophecies of Macbeth.

First Apparition: The armed head.

I know that Macbeth isn’t Greek, but Greek armor looks awesome. So bite me.

Second Apparition: The bloody child.

Turned it into a girl because I thought it would look creepier.

Third Apparition: A child crowned, with a tree in his hand.

There's a kid supposed to be in there somewhere, but I got sick of drawing people. And I also prefer the symbolism of the tree trunk.

I might do a parody of the three prophecies someday...

I love long weekends! Happy Labor Day (next Monday)!
The Unlucky Elephant

Update: I forgot to mention, today is the birthday of a friend of mine! And yeah, a bunch of other people were born in May, but I've known this dude for like, forever. I absolutely hate the bastard.

Happy birthday!

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